Yongchao’s latest energy report

Yongchao Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. provides a fresh value creation thinking – how to use renewable energy to create a reasonable energy use environment

Rapidly decarbonize in terms of carbon dioxide neutral process heat by using hydrogen, green gases and green electricity – only sustainably produced steel and climate neutral metals have a future. As a result, the steel and smelting industry is facing the biggest challenge in its history: the green transition.


The sustainability pioneers inspire a new holistic understanding of business: “those who have successfully combined economics and ecology in a sustainable and smart way to create value, lead the competition, and become ideal partners for their customers”. This has become the innovation concept of all the research and development staff of Yongchao.


At the latest meeting, Wayne, director of R&D Department of Yongchao Technology, put forward the core ideas and development prospects of Yongchao on energy issues, how to alter the market energy structure, optimize the company’s industrial production logic, so that our current products are more environmentally friendly and more in line with the concept of current energy.


Conference topics include hydrogen direct reduction (DRI), electric arc furnace, and potential current application of the induction crucible furnace, hybrid heating, carbon capture storage, hydrogen as the heat treatment process, green steel track and trace, digital footprint passports, steel and aluminium recycling, green automation, circular economy and green steel certification, H2 and CO2 gas power grid operation and the method of high-pressure natural gas pipeline Law of the details. Hydrogen bitter, hydrogen production process, energy saving through AI, zero emission steel and CBAM-carbon boundary regulation mechanism. Participants actively expressed their views and suggested possible advances in these areas with the Forever super technology.


After the final meeting, Yongchao Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. strengthened the company’s determination in energy development, and formulated the latest energy development plan.

Post time: Oct-09-2022