How does the intelligent sweeping robot ensure home hygiene?

[Summary description] In daily life, many people will choose to buy a high-quality intelligent sweeping robot. A high-quality sweeping robot can clean the inside and outside of the home without making noise to affect everyone’s life. So, how does a smart sweeping robot work? How does it ensure home hygiene? Today, I will introduce it to you in detail.

In daily life, many people will choose to buy a high-quality intelligent sweeping robot. A high-quality sweeping robot can clean the inside and outside of the home without making noise to affect everyone’s life. So, how does a smart sweeping robot work? How does it ensure home hygiene? Today, I will introduce it to you in detail.

1. Main brush and side brush

On the intelligent sweeping robot, the main brush is not necessarily equipped, but the side brush must exist. In actual work, the combined action of these two sets of brushes will sweep garbage and debris into the dust box to complete the preliminary cleaning work. Generally speaking, the main brush with floating up and down can more closely fit the ground for daily cleaning. And the cleaning ability is also stronger. Of course, for some families with pets, the existence of the main brush may cause a series of hair problems, affecting the daily cleaning of the home and increasing everyone’s troubles. Therefore, whether to install the main brush or not According to the actual work situation.

2. Vacuum motor and suction port

After completing the preliminary cleaning work, the intelligent sweeping robot will also need to use a vacuum motor and a vacuum port to suck some dust and hair into the dust box. Among them, the greater the power of the vacuuming motor, the higher the working efficiency, and the size of the vacuuming port needs to be judged by the user. Generally speaking, the larger the vacuuming port, the smaller the vacuuming power, but The cleaning range becomes larger, while the suction port is small, on the contrary, if this is the case, then the vacuuming power of the home becomes larger, and the cleaning range becomes much smaller. If the choice is made, it is up to the consumers themselves.

3. Additional functions

Of course, some additional functions also have a great impact on the cleaning effect of the intelligent sweeping robot, such as the mopping function. Some smart sweeping robots will be equipped with a rag behind the suction mouth, which is the function of mopping the floor. This kind of robot is more suitable for wooden floors. If you have a large area of ​​​​carpet at home, then it is best not to choose this robot. So as not to wet the carpet, affecting the quality of cleaning.

The above is the introduction of some specific accessories for the intelligent sweeping robot to ensure home hygiene. In the usual work process, if you can choose a high-quality sweeping robot, it will provide a good help to everyone’s daily work.

Post time: Sep-05-2022