How many methods are there for plastic shell processing?

How many methods are there for plastic shell processing?
Now there are many industries that need to do plastic shell processing, so how many methods are there for plastic shell processing? This article will be explained by Dongguan Yongchao plastic technology and technical personnel, I hope to help you. Plastic shell processing is a common manufacturing process that includes many types of products, such as plastic shells for electronic products, plastic shells for household appliances, plastic shells for automotive parts, plastic shells for medical equipment and plastic shells for household items.


What are the types of plastic shell processing methods?


There are mainly five common plastic shell processing methods:

1, injection molding: Injection molding is a widely used plastic processing process, suitable for mass production of the same type of products. It involves injecting heated and melted plastic into a mold, which cools and hardens to get the desired product shape. The advantage of injection molding is that the production speed is fast, the precision is high, and the fine parts can be produced at the same time.

2, Blow molding: Blow molding is a technology suitable for the production of hollow objects, such as bottles, cans and other similar containers. The process involves first heating and melting the thermoplastic material, then pouring it into a mold with a specific shape through a blow molding machine, and using air pressure inside the mold to force the plastic into the desired shape.

3, compression molding: compression molding is also known as manual processing, mainly used for low-volume production of plastic parts. The process involves placing heated plastic into a mold of a specific shape, which is then formed using pressure compression.

4, foam molding: Foam molding is a manufacturing method for the production of lightweight materials, especially suitable for the production of automobiles, household goods and electronic products. In this process, the material is first melted, is sprayed with gas before injection molding to make it expand and lighten, and is molded by mold compression according to the desired shape.

5, vacuum molding: Vacuum molding is a plastic processing technology suitable for the production of complex shapes or small batches of parts. In this process, a heated plastic sheet is put into a mold with the desired shape, and then air is drawn to make the plastic sheet tightly fit to the mold surface, and finally it is hardened into the desired shape by cooling.

In short, the above are several common processing methods for plastic shells. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the correct processing method should be selected according to the desired shape, quantity and quality requirements.

Post time: Aug-10-2023